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Person - Specialist

Andrea Zamuner

Physical Therapist

4.9/5 • 335 reviews read

Dr. Zamuner is a physical therapist as well as biologist. He is specialized in the treatment of neurological diseases such as stroke, Parkinson and Alzheimer's, but also works within the field of geriatric rehabilitation. He has worked in Switzerland, where he was on the staff of the football team Bellinzona.

Recently Dr. Zamuner has specialized in lymphology and lymphatic drainage massage of the upper and lower body. He is also a TECAR operator.

Where can you find Andrea Zamuner

  • Milano Repubblica
  • Milano Santa Sofia


Rieducazione Posturale  
Tecar 1 Segmento  
Tecar 2 Segmenti  
Trattamento Laser Per Fisioterapia  
Ultrasuoni A Immersione  
Ultrasuoni A Massaggio  
Ultrasuoni A Testina Fissa  
Valutazione Percorso Fisioterapico  

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